
This PDF Form can be downloaded, filled out and emailed for submission. Although not preferred, this form can be mailed via USPS if email access is limited. The new approach makes it faster to submit applications, and it improves accuracy of the documents.

The Sponsor should download this file and send to Pilgrim for completion or obtain the information from the Pilgrim and submit for them. If completed by the Pilgrim, the form should be emailed to the Sponsor so they can complete their portion at the bottom and forwarding to [email protected]. Forms received directly from a Pilgrim cannot be accepted without Sponsor Information. The cover page provides information on the application process, email/mailing address, and a brief overview that may help your Pilgrim have a better initial understanding of Emmaus.

There are no advanced application fees. For questions about submitting a Pilgrim application please send an email to [email protected]. Please Note: any forms dated prior to June 2021 are obsolete and should be thrown away to avoid confusion and errors when processing.

Team Applications

There are two different team applications.  Please look at the two choices below and complete the one appropriate for you.  

If this is your first teaming with NCAE; download and complete the form in its entirety.  Save a copy on your computer/phone and send file to
[email protected]. You will only need to complete this form once; subsequent teaming applications will use a different form.

If using a hardcopy of this application; send completed applications to Emmaus NCA, PO Box 807, Mineral VA 22317-0807.

If you have teamed with NCAE before, then this newly designed application updates your status as being available for teaming again. Download and complete the form in its entirety.  Save a copy on your computer/phone and send file to
[email protected].

This form is very basic, and information below the red line is only required if it has changed since the last time you teamed.

If using a hardcopy of this application; send completed applications to Emmaus NCA, PO Box 807, Mineral VA 22317-0807.

Historically previous weekend assignments were required; however, this information is now collected automatically by the Application Coordinator once weekend assignments are made and no longer required in the application.