About NCA Emmaus

What is National Capital Area Emmaus?
National Capital Area Emmaus (NCAE) is an ecumenical Christian Community that focuses on an individual’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The purpose of NCAE is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, and places of work. The purpose of NCAE is realized through a retreat weekend, as well as small accountability groups that provide support for community members as they continue their journey toward Jesus Christ, also known as the Fourth Day.

What happens on an NCAE Emmaus weekend? 
The NCAE weekend is an experience led by both laity and clergy. It begins on a Thursday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon.  It consists of three days of wonderful worship, fellowship, great music, daily communion, plenty of food, loads of laughter, with plenty of time for prayer and small group discussion.  There are 15 inspiring talks focusing on different aspects of God’s grace and a life in piety, study, and action.  It is a joy-filled opportunity where the participants experience a weekend of God’s amazing grace.

What happens after an NCAE weekend?
After an NCAE weekend, everyone is encouraged to expand their own spiritual lives as they participate in their local churches and through the body of Christ. Post-weekend opportunities for the weekend participant to continue their Christian journey include:
- Supporting home churches
-Joining small accountability groups
- Attending monthly NCAE gathering – also known as Ultreyas – for fellowship and worship 
- Sponsoring a pilgrim to attend an NCAE weekend   
- Sharing God’s love with the NCAE community through teaming and other support activities.

NCAE is also connected and supports other Christian communities.
NCA Chrysalis – Similar to NCAE that offers faith building experience for youth and young adults.
Kairos – Kairos Prison Ministries offers a faith building experience within prison communities. More information can be found at: http://www.Kairosva.org
Kairos Outside – Kairos Outside Ministries offers a faith building experience for women who have loved ones within prison communities. More information can be found at: www.kairosoutsidenova.org

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